09.04.2016 (16-17,30) – Afro and African dance workshop with Jeff (Uganda)

Have you ever felt the vibe of Afro and African music flowing through your body? Have you ever let go of all the tension through the freedom of African dances? If the answer to these answers is no (but also if it’s yes!), you should definitely come to this amazing, exciting and powerful workshop!

Jeff, one of our volunteers from Uganda, will lead this event in which he will teach every participant some moves and styles of dancing starting from the very basic ones. For this reason, the workshop is open to everyone, regardless of experience or ability in dancing.

Its purpose is to free our bodies and souls, feel the musicality of Afro and African music and follow the rhythm while having fun and doing something that we might have never done before!

Practical information:

Date: 09.04.2016

Schedule: from 16 to 17:30

Place: Studio Dance Zone, Sofronii Vrachanski str. 62A, Sofia (M2, Lavov Most)

The event is free of charge and open to everybody!

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